A Typical Day

Typical Day, Fourth Grade

8:30 – 8:45 Welcome

  • Welcome, check in, review schedule for the day

8:45 – 8:55 Recorder-playing and singing

8:55 – 9:30 Movement, speech, memorization

  • Games involving math or strategy, sequencing events, reasoning and collaboration
  • Math practice and review
  • Spelling – written and oral
  • Speech / Recitation – both long pieces that require memorization, and / or shorter tongue twisters

9:30 – 10:30 Main Lesson (9 blocks per year)

Example: California History and Geography

  • Review and practice from previous lesson (math or reading)
  • New lesson
  • Quiet working time, writing in main lesson book
  • Myth from Norse Mythology – These images meet the child developmentally as well as provide characters for working out math problems and grammar lessons

10:30 – 11:10 Recess & Snack

11:10-11:50 Spanish*

11:50-12:30 Form Drawing

12:30-1:20 Recess & Lunch

1:10-1:50 Gardening*

1:50-2:40 Eurythmy*

2:40 – 2:55 Chores / Closing of the Day

2:55 – 3:10 Dismissal


* indicates that class is taught by a subject teacher.

Nursery & Kindergarten
Nourish the magic of childhood with nurturing play-based programs.
Grades 1–5
Explore the academic and imaginative journey through the elementary grades.
Grades 6–8
Engage the challenging and experiential curriculum of middle school.
Grades 9–12
Discover the academic and artistic rigor of our high school.

I strive to approach situations from many angles. Waldorf education has empowered me to think deeply and to consider how the world is, could be and should be.

Laila Waheed

Class of 2011, Waldorf School of the Peninsula