The Hobbit – Eighth Grade Play

Sunnyvale Theatre 550 E Remington Drive, Sunnyvale

The Hobbit, one of Tolkien's classic novels, is a suspenseful, fast-moving journey through the sometimes dark, sometimes charming, and always compelling world of Middle Earth. Bilbo Baggins is a comfortably well-off hobbit with a love for rousing adventure stories. Real adventures, however, are definitely not his cup of tea. So when Gandalf the wizard knocks at Bilbo's door, bringing with him Thorin Oakenshield, twelve ragged looking dwarves, and a contract for an adventure to recover the lost treasure of Lonely Mountain, Bilbo could not be less interested—at first. But Bilbo's love of a good story gets the better of him, and before he knows it, he is off on a perilous quest over mountain and under hill, through caves and forest, and slimy dark places where they face the greatest danger of all: the fearsome dragon Smaug. The estimated running time is 2 hours with one 15-minute intermission. This play is suitable for all ages. Donations will be accepted at the door to help defray the cost for the theater.